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More about your Therapist

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Home For Balance

I am the co-founder of Home for Balance, a psychotherapy practice specialized in the  treatment of eating disorders, OCD, grief and loss, addictions, trauma, depression and anxiety. Our team of expert clinicians will help you achieve your goals, overcome your struggles, and strengthen your foundation to move forward and thrive in your life. For more information about Home For Balance contact us today at or at 561.600.1424 for a FREE 30 minute consult!


The Food & Mood Institute, LLC

I am the co-founder of The Food & Mood Institute, LLC. where we provide online education to parents of those who struggle with eating disorders. Our online programs use strategies for learning and personal growth as the foundation for all courses and programs. This approach creates a unique opportunity to prepare our participants for a new way to connect with their child and support their eating disorder recovery, embracing their uniqueness, and creating a new way to relate to them.


Iaedp South Florida

Since 2016 I have taken different roles at the international association for eating disorder professionals (iaedp).  I'm currently national board member and part of the international board advisory committee as well as the past president of the iaedp South Florida Chapter. iaedp is an organization created to empower eating disorder professionals and provide the highest quality training and education. For more information about iaedp, please visit their website at or contact me directly at or call me at 561.305.2497.


Commit and

Since 2011 I have been an active member of Commit and Act raising money to provide education on Acceptance and Commitment therapy to counselors and leaders in areas of conflict. This organization's primary work right now is in Sierra Leone, Africa, where we have trained thousands of professionals in the areas of education, psychology, and mental health and counseling to work with people that have experienced trauma due to violence. Through our counseling center we provide training workshops, education and counseling.


Strolls for Well Being at Morikami

I was one of the facilitators of the therapeutic walks at Morikami for 5 years and supported research and changes in the program. The therapeutic walking program at Morikami is intended to provide a peaceful experience in a nurturing environment that promotes well-being and resilience in the face of adversity. This FREE resource to anyone wanting to heal, grow and practice mindfulness and self-reflection. For more information contact me directly at

Legal Research and Writing


I'm active in research on the prevalence and treatment of eating disorders in Colombia and have presented at the iaedp symposium in 2019 and 2020 (Spanish Session), at the Academy  for Eating Disorders in Salzburg, Austria in 2010 and at the ACA European Branch (2011) in Frankfurt, Germany. If you want to learn more about these studies please click below or contact me directly at

Notebook and Pen


I love writing! I have been featured multiple times on The Renfrew Center Connections newsletter, and on Gente Today, Latina Magazine, Recovery Guide, and Discovery Mujer discussing the struggles behind food, body and weight concerns, eating disorders and emotional eating as well as on the process of addictions and recovery. I also enjoy writing occasional blog posts and newsletters!

On Air Sign


I have been featured on WBWP-LD television and MundoFox raising awareness on eating disorders and the importance of early intervention and multidisciplinary treatment. Below you can listen to an interview in Spanish for the show "Hoy por Hoy - Caracol Radio" discussing body image and encouraging people to participate in a 28 day positive body image challenge I hold every year around the summer time.

Carolina Gaviria, LMHC, NCC, CEDS - C




Tel: 1.561.305.2497


FAX Number: 561-544-7147




5300 W. Hillsboro Blvd, Suite 210

Coconut Creek, FL 33073




Office Hours:

Monday – Thursday 9 am – 7 pm

Additional days and times available as per appointment only


Services available online, in English and Spanish
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