Stay Calm and Ride the Waves of the Storms in your Life
When storms approach we often fell anxious and stressed out about what it’s going to happen. The loud thunder, lighting, the strong winds...
Back to School Anxiety
As kids get ready to start a new school year some of them wait with excitement and nervousness to see their friends, meet their teachers...
Anxiety and Emotional Fullness
Everyone feels anxious now and then. It’s a normal emotion that we all experience. For example, we may feel nervous when faced with a...
Silencing the Bully Within
Bullies can be very intimidating and affect kids and teens in many ways. They may lose sleep or feel sick and try to make excuses to skip...
Are your thoughts helpful or Hurtful?
The quality of our thoughts determines the way we feel and act. While everyone experience anxiety from time to time, some of us feel it...
Flourish this Summer
Positive Psychology states that several things contribute to well-being but focuses on five core elements that they believe really...
Facts vs. Fiction: The Stories That We Tell Ourselves
Our minds think that’s what they do, but not everything we think is necessarily true. We interpret the information that we receive...
Create a Vision Board and Stay Focused on Your New Year’s Resolutions
A vision board or dream board is a fantastic tool used to help clarify your goals and focus your energy into achieving them. Remember...
Who do you want to BE this Holiday Season?
The holiday season can be pretty challenging for many people, especially for those who struggle with depression, anxiety, substance abuse...
Practicing Gratitude
Practicing gratitude tends to boost our immune system and mental health.